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Monodraw Licenses Giveaway

It may come as a surprise to some, but I am doing something good just because I can and it will make me happy to see other people happy.

A little while ago the developer of the wonderful iOS Reddit client Apollo Christian Selig and I had a public exchange on Twitter about ASCII art in one of Apple’s new OSS projects. To my surprise this caught the attention of a few people. Christian & I talked about how fun it would be to launch a little giveaway, not to gain followers or sell anybody anything. Do something fun on the internet with strangers after two absolutely awful years just because I can. I ended up doing exactly that and got into contact with the Monodraw developer hoping I could purchase the licenses in bulk but ended up with ten free ones to give away.

How To Enter The Giveaway

I have decided that I will give away the licenses at random to people on Twitter leading up to Christmas. I don’t care if you follow me or not and it’s not a requirement, I just want to hear what you’re up to or what you’d like to use Monodraw for. There are bonus points if you are a student and if it would help you with class work or in a paper that you have to write, but that is also not a requirement. To enter simply mention @tzeejay on Twitter or send me an E-Mail. I prefer Twitter as I want to publicly share what you’re up to but it’s not a requirement.
If I think you’re doing something cool I will send you one of the licenses. No strings attached!

(If you think the app is cool and end up missing out on the giveaway, just treat yourself to a license. It’s only $10 and well worth the money)

Terms (?)

I was generously given the ten licenses, two of which I will give away every Advent, the first one being tomorrow 2021-11-28, and the remaining ones on Christmas (that is the 24th for y’all Americans).

Whatever holidays or festivities you observe during this time of the year, I hope you catch a break and have some free time to have some fun drawing some ASCII art. We all deserve it.
