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How To Verify and Change the Certbot Authenticator

I have never acquired a paid SSL certificate in my life back when it was still SSL and even during my various jobs I never had a reason to obtain a TLS certificate with money, and I may never have to. Prior to the Snowden/Wikileaks events the movement to encrypt the entire internet was already well underway by people who grasped what we were up against and I had heard rumblings about completely free TLS certificates. I can’t recall the exact order in history to be honest as I was very far removed from all of that but one of the results of all of this was the creation of Let’s Encrypt, the certbot project and the ACME protocol.

Fast forward to today and we’re living & breathing Let’s Encrypt and certbot at work. I recently had to consolidate multiple instances of the same project which were setup many years apart to use the exact same configuration just to retain a little bit of our sanity during daily operations. Part of that was that the certbot configuration was different across these environments and I found myself struggling to remember which environment used which certbot authenticator to obtain it’s TLS certificate. I used to like the webroot authenticator and having certbot write the ACME verification challenge into a directory in the filesystem from which the rest of the website was served from as I heavily rely on hugo for everything website related. It was just another static file served by nginx.
I have since come around to using the standalone authenticator though alongside the --http01_port=xxxx flag to have certbot serve the ACME challenge out of RAM in order to eliminate a whole swath of ACL related issues in the future.

In order to check which authenticator is currently used, you need to read the certbot config file from the hostname you’re after in /etc/letsencrypt/renewal/, which should look something like this:

# renew_before_expiry = 30 days
version = 1.12.0
archive_dir = 
cert = 
privkey = 
chain = 
fullchain = 

# Options used in the renewal process
account = 
http01_port = 9090
authenticator = standalone
server =
key_type = ecdsa

Key things to look out for here is the authenticator value and the related metadata given your authenticator of choice.

Changing Authenticators

Given that you have now looked at your authenticator in horror on some old host and want to change it I have found this great post.
The recommended way to change authenticators is to re-run the certbot command to issue a certificate for the exact same hostname with but including the --force-renewal flag as well. For example

$ certbot certonly --force-renew --standalone -d <your-hostname> --non-interactive --agree-tos --email <your-email-to-be-notified-about-stuff> --http01_port=9090
